Sergey Ochigava

Russian Man Boarded a Flight From Denmark to Los Angeles Without a Ticket or a Passport

A Russian man who boarded a flight from Denmark to Los Angeles last November without a ticket, passport, or visa has been found guilty in a US federal court of being a stowaway on an aircraft. Sergey Ochigava, 46, was convicted by a jury in a California court on Friday. He faces up to five years in prison when he is formally sentenced on February 5th.

Security Breach at Copenhagen Airport

Prosecutors said Ochigava bypassed security at Copenhagen Airport by tailgating a passenger through a turnstile gate. The next day, he boarded a Scandinavian Airlines flight to Los Angeles without a boarding pass.

Unusual Behavior on Board

Flight attendants noticed Ochigava’s strange behavior on the plane. He switched seats multiple times, requested two meals during each meal service, and even tried to eat the crew’s chocolate. He also attempted to chat with passengers, who mostly ignored him.

Apprehended in Los Angeles

Upon landing in Los Angeles, Ochigava was unable to provide any travel documents to US border agents. He also gave conflicting accounts of how he got on the plane, claiming he might have had a ticket but couldn’t remember.

Questions Remain

The case has raised questions about how Ochigava was able to board the plane without a ticket or passport. His motives for traveling to the US without any travel documents also remain unclear. Ochigava’s attorney plans to appeal the conviction.

Travel Precautions

This case serves as a reminder of the importance of having proper travel documents when flying to the US. Travelers should also be aware of the serious consequences of stowaways on an aircraft.

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