
Estonia Delivers $88 Million in ‘Long-Term’ Military Aid to Bolster Ukraine’s Defense

Tallinn, Estonia – February 7, 2024 – Estonia has delivered 80 million euros ($88 million) worth of military equipment to Ukraine. This latest aid package, part of a broader commitment to “long-term” military assistance, arrives at a crucial juncture in the ongoing war, bolstering Ukraine’s defense capabilities and sending a clear message to Russia that support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom remains steadfast.

The shipment, shrouded in secrecy for security reasons, reportedly includes critically needed Javelin anti-tank missiles, machine guns, assorted vehicles, vessels, and even diving equipment. Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, underscoring the significance of the aid, declared, “The latest developments in Europe necessitate the continued large-scale delivery of essential military supplies to Ukraine. With this, alongside our allies, we send a resolute message to the Kremlin we will stand with Ukraine until victory.”

This recent contribution builds upon Estonia’s already remarkable track record of supporting Ukraine. Since the conflict began, the small Baltic nation, with a population of just 1.3 million, has provided nearly 500 million euros ($550 million) in military aid, a staggering 1.4% of its GDP. This figure dwarfs the contributions of many larger nations, showcasing Estonia’s unparalleled commitment to its war-torn neighbor.

Beyond military support, Estonia has extended significant humanitarian aid throughout the crisis. Field hospitals, medical equipment, personal protective equipment, and dry food packages have all been delivered, demonstrating a holistic approach to assisting the Ukrainian people.

Estonia’s actions resonate deeply within the international community. Leaders around the world have commended the country’s unwavering support, recognizing it as a beacon of hope and a model for other nations. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas emphasized this sentiment, stating, “Our long-term commitment to Ukraine goes beyond military aid. We stand with them in their fight for democracy, freedom, and a peaceful future.”

The conflict in Ukraine has entered a critical phase, with both sides digging in for a potentially protracted war. In this context, Estonia’s latest military aid package carries immense weight. It signifies a renewed commitment to Ukraine’s victory, providing crucial resources and solidifying the message that Ukraine is not alone. This unwavering support, echoed by numerous nations across the globe, serves as a powerful reminder that the fight for freedom in Ukraine is a fight for a peaceful and just future for all.

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