
B.C. Cracks Down on Flavored Nicotine Pouches to Protect Youth

British Columbia has taken a decisive step to shield young people from the grasp of flavored nicotine pouches by restricting their sale to pharmacies. This move, announced by Health Minister Adrian Dix, aims to curb the growing concern surrounding these pouches, marketed as smoking cessation aids but often touted as trendy alternatives, particularly among adolescents.

“By limiting access to these products and ensuring they are dispensed by trained healthcare professionals, our goal is to prevent their misuse, especially among young people for recreational purposes,” stated Dix, highlighting the potential harm these pouches pose.

Premier David Eby echoed these concerns, emphasizing the “hazardous” and “addictive” nature of the pouches, especially for developing brains. He acknowledged Health Canada’s effort to address the legal loophole allowing their open sale in convenience stores and gas stations, but B.C. wasn’t waiting idly by.

These pouches, containing up to 4 milligrams of nicotine, are produced by Imperial Tobacco under the brand name Zonnic. Although marketed as smoking cessation tools, they lack tobacco and fall outside existing regulations due to their nicotine content and non-inhalation methods. However, concerns remain about their appeal to youth, often drawn to the enticing flavors and perceived harmlessness.

Federal Health Minister Mark Holland previously acknowledged the situation as a calculated attempt by the tobacco industry to “addict new young people to nicotine,” vowing to close the legal loophole.

Colette Lees, a substance-use liaison, emphasized the significant challenge these products pose. Their deceptive marketing as harmless alternatives often overshadows their addictive potential, leaving many young users unaware of the risks.

The Canadian Cancer Society applauded B.C.’s initiative, recognizing the alarming rise in alternative nicotine consumption methods despite declining youth smoking rates. “With the introduction of flavored nicotine pouches last year, youth once again can become addicted to these new tobacco industry products,” their statement cautioned.

B.C.’s action reflects a growing awareness of the potential dangers posed by flavored nicotine pouches. While their classification as smoking cessation aids remains under debate, their undeniable appeal to youth and addictive nature necessitate stricter measures. By restricting their sale to pharmacies and requiring pharmacist consultation, B.C. hopes to create a crucial barrier, protecting young people from the clutches of nicotine addiction.

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